Serving customers in the Fairbanks Area Since 2000
We are the most capable directional drilling and underground utility contractor in the interior.
We are the most capable directional drilling and underground utility contractor in the interior.
is rigged with drills large and small including our 2018 American auger DD 110, the largest directional drill in the state, capable of installing pipe up to 36 inch diameter.
We are the interior’s only direction drilling company. Whether it's a 2-inch conduit or large diameter water main, we’re well equipped to handle a vast array of jobs and are capable of handling permitting.
We are Fully Licensed
We are one of the only underground utility contractors that is a fully licensed mechanical administrator - meaning we are fully capable of handling your sewer or drinking water safely!
Highly Capable
We are qualified to handle both residential and commercial sewer and water services, utility main work, electrical and communication conduits.
Moose Creek, Alaska
Five separate water body crossings with 20 inch carrier pipe containing insulated ductile iron. Pipe was installed up to 30 feet deep. Work was performed in wetlands, and great care was taken to prevent frac-outs and other environmental impacts.
General Contractor: HC Contractors
Product: 20" HDPE carrying 10" insulated ductile iron watermain
Conditions: Saturated sandy gravel with up to 4" cobble deep below the water table.
Anchorage, Alaska
A single 750 foot run of 20” HDPE water main was installed under a park and a creek to connect two neighborhoods together on the Water Main grid. Pipe was installed up to 50 feet deep with no impact to the inner city park.
General Contractor: South Central Mechanical
Product: 20" HDPE uninsulated water main
Conditions: Wet clay with up to 12 cobble."
By choosing to hire locally, we can save you thousands of dollars compared to out-of-town companies.
Permafrost, harsh seasons, and odd terrain are just a few more reasons to hire a company that understands the local landscape. We have over 18 years of experience drilling here in Fairbanks and can navigate even the harshest conditions.